Hero Maker!
Experiencing success sickness? Here is the secret to a life of significance...
Prodigal in "F" Minor
We have a fabulous Father! Here is a reminder...
Nine Rules for Life and Ministry
What are your rules for life and ministry? Pastor William E. Yaeger had 9 that marked his life. Read them and then see what you would add.
A Dangerous Path...
How do you know when you are travelling on a dangerous path?
Leadership Development
With 20,000+ Discipleship resources on Amazon, what are we missing?
Frontier Theology
Are you willing to risk something for the glory of God?
Learning From Mistakes
Learning from mistakes is the best way to learn. School is always in session.
The Power of Others
Smart Goals Assessment
Commit your dreams to a solid plan…
Developing World Class Leaders
Shouldn't the church produce world-class leaders who are equipped to impact our society? What principles help that to take place?
Five Secrets to Stress Free Living
How to free yourself from destructive stress-filled living.
7 Tips that Will Help Optimize Your Small Group Ministry
Desire to optomize your Small Group Ministry? Check out these seven tips...
Inspirational Leadership
Are you an inspirational leader? Check out these seven signs...
Are you paying the price of unforgiveness? Check out these questions... and set yourself free.
Tribes by Seth Godin
Anticipatory Leadership
What's next for the church?
Book Summary: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People By Steven R Covey
What are the habits that set highly effective people apart from the rest of the crowd?
The Most Excellent Way to Lead
Pastor Rick Warren commented, "if you are leading and not loving, you are not leading, you are only manipulating." This book highlights the fact that love is the best way to lead and to live. 1 Corinthians 13 was written, not for weddings, but in the context of guidance on leadership. If you want to be a better leader, this is the book for you.
How to Begin a Small-Group
How do you launch a Small-Group?
Lead with Speed
The speed of the team is determined by the speed of the leader.