10 Helps for Leading a Small Group
What makes all the difference in leading a small group.
Ongoing Leadership Development
Developing a leadership development culture that produces an ever-expanding number of leaders to an ever-expanding ministry. How do you ensure that this is happening in your church?
Leadership Development - Start With the “Why”
Why ongoing leadership is essential for an ever-expanding ministry impact.
Creating a Leadership Development Environment
Shouldn’t the church be the best leadership development environment on the planet? Why isn’t it?
Sharing the Joy of Ministry
Share the joy of ministry and multiply the impact through delegation.
Church: An Aircraft Carrier or Cruise-liner?
Is the church like a dream liner or an aircraft carrier?
Basic Leader Training
How do you get the right leaders on the bus and make sure the wrong one never gets on?
Developing World Class Leaders
Shouldn't the church produce world-class leaders who are equipped to impact our society? What principles help that to take place?