Leadership is Influence
Leadership is about influence.
How to make sure you have the right priorities.
#1 Leadership Development Tool
What is the BEST leadership development tool?
Personality Assessments
Making sure that you have the right people on the bus and the people in the right seats.
Attitude of Gratitude
One thing that can't be taken?
Father's Day
What does it mean to be a "real" father?
Lessons from Chipotle
What can the church learn from the Chipotle melt-down?
Erosion of Character
How to avoid erosion of character on the team.
The Dark Side of Coaching
When you have a controlling leader, leaders leave, followers stay, and the organization stalls. What are you looking for in a coach that keeps you moving?
Bill Stewart: Paying it Forward Leadership
Bill Stewart fulfilled his purpose on earth. He chose to "pay it forward," investing in the next generation. What difference did this kind of life make? Check it out...
The Finish Line:
Leaders who last? Ministry is a marathon!
Ongoing Leadership Development
Developing a leadership development culture that produces an ever-expanding number of leaders to an ever-expanding ministry. How do you ensure that this is happening in your church?
Inspiring Leadership
Great leaders inspire others. How can you make the most of your opportunity influence others?
Healthy Leadership Values
How do we create a healthy leadership environment in the church?
Leadership Insights Today
Are you a lifelong learner? Two things will change your life, the people you meet and the books you read.
Personality Assessments
How do you set people up for success based on their strengths?
Leadership Development - Start With the “Why”
Why ongoing leadership is essential for an ever-expanding ministry impact.
Creating a Leadership Development Environment
Shouldn’t the church be the best leadership development environment on the planet? Why isn’t it?
Tiered Leadership Development Plans
Every organization needs a tiered leadership development plan for sustained growth and effectiveness. Are you asking the right questions?