Smart Goals Assessment

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"You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going,
because you might not get there." Yogi Berra

Do you know where you are going? Setting "SMART" goals can make all the difference. This tool will guide you in considering the progress you desire to make in the following key domains:

1.    FAITH:

2.    FAMILY:

3.    FUN:

4.    FITNESS:

5.    FRIENDS:

6.    FUN:

7.    MARITAL:

8.    MENTAL:



1.  Faith:

1.     Set aside           minutes in the morning,          days a week for Bible reading and prayer, at 
                                                 (location) starting                              .

2.     Find a yearly Bible reading plan ( and follow it each day, beginning

3.     Purchase a notebook and keep a daily prayer journal (digital works). Journal at least          minutes a day in the morning/evening. Start by                         .

4.     Make a list of 12 spiritual/biography books/audiobooks to read (listen to). Read one each (week, month)  beginning                    (ask your pastor/friends for suggestions).

5.     Hire a coach/mentor/counselor and meet        times per month for inspiration and accountability.

6.     Experience                   conferences/retreats/podcasts this year by                .

7.     Attend church (in person/online)         times a month, beginning                              .

8.     Memorize         Bible(s) verse a week/month, quoting correctly to a friend (Navigators Topical Memory System)

9.     Meditate for                 minutes each day, location:                                      days a week beginning                      .

10.  Join/start a weekly small group Bible study in your home by                        on the following topic/Bible book:                                                    .

11.  Fast (food, TV, electronics, social media) for             hours/days a month beginning           

12.  Sign up for a church sponsored pilgrimage/cruise to Israel/Asia Minor/Rome by                

13.  Schedule a short-term mission trip to                                      by                               

14.  Serve the homeless at a local food kitchen:                                                    by                   

15.  Join a ministry team:                                                   (church or non-profit) by                   


2. Family:

1.     Be home by                  to have enough time for                      with                 starting           .

2.     Schedule a weekly date on                  (day of week) with your child(ren) (rotate if necessary) at location of child’s choice:                                                        .

3.     Set a quarterly lunch with your child’s youth pastor/mentor/teacher/coach starting                         .

4.     Pick a board/card game with your kids and a regular time to play once a week by              .

5.     Hold a family meeting and draft a Family Constitution (a list of values) by                          and review as a family each                          .

6.     Cook                meals at home each week beginning                         .

7.     Have the kids brainstorm                     meals a month. Cook at least              each week beginning                         .

8.     Write your kids            letters each week/month expressing                           beginning            .

9.     Set aside           vacation days to spend with family at spouse’s/kids’ favorite location. Schedule by                                  .

10.  Build/assemble model/puzzle/fort with kids               times each month beginning              .

11.  Schedule photographer for new family photos by                             .

12.  Attend              parenting seminar(s)/conference(s)/podcast by                     .

Empty Nesters:

13.  Schedule a weekly Zoom call for your children/grandchildren – on                          (day) at            (time) starting                                                .

14.  Schedule a family destination retreat – share the cost of a cabin at Yosemite (grown children), or hotel at Disneyland, Disneyworld, Lake Tahoe, Mars or a cruise by                             .

3.  Fun:

1.     Plan a dream vacation to                                             by                               .

2.     Schedule tennis/golf/pickleball/sailing lessons starting                                             .

3.     Go biking/skiing/hiking/fishing/camping       times by                     .

4.     Buy an e-bike/road bike by                             sign up on Strava & connect with friends.

5.     Buy a motorcycle by                                        and plan a roadtrip to                                     .

6.     Reconnect with an old hobby:                                     (fishing/skydiving) by                       .

7.     Plan a field trip to a popular location:                         by:                                          .

8.     Plant a garden in/with/of my favorite spring/summer/fall vegetables/fruits by                     .

9.     Build new (and healthier) peer group by identifying  friends and meeting                            (weekly/monthly/bimonthly).

10.  Attend church/couples retreat/conference by                                     .

11.  Limit news/social media consumption to        time(s) per                  

12.  Eliminate screen time              minutes/hours before bedtime.

4. Fitness:

1.     Lose                 pounds by                  .

2.     Sign up for a fitness app (Apple Fitness +FitbitStrava) and connect with friends by:                  

3.     Do                    push-ups daily, starting                      .

4.     Cut LDL cholesterol                points by                    .

5.     Lower blood pressure              points by                    .

6.     Hire a nutritionist to complete a personalized meal plan by              .

7.     Aerobic (run/walk/bike) exercise                    minutes/miles each day,         days a week at

8.     Hire fitness coach to craft personalized workout regimen by                        .

9.     Strength training          minutes/hours,                        days a week starting                          .

10.  Finish 5K race/half-marathon/marathon by               .

11.  Complete a five-day juice fast by                   .

12.  Improve my bench press by                 pounds by                  .

13.  Choose a regular bedtime:                   and get            hours of sleep per night beginning 

14.  Download a health-tracker app (e.g., Apple Fitness/Fitbit/MyFitnessPal) and begin recording each meal/snack beginning                       .

15.  Adopt a plant-based diet by                .

5.  Friends:

1.     Schedule a Zoom call with friend(s)/family member(s)         times each week/month starting        .

2.     Join or start a neighborhood quarterly BBQ/Dinner/Pot Luck plan by:                    .

3.     Plan a block party by:                                     

4.     Join an athletic club/biking/swimming/training group to meet new people by                     .

5.     Host/join a weekly/monthly discussion group/book club, beginning                        

6.     Visit local retirement home once a week/month starting                               .

7.     Plan a girls’/guys’ retreat/trip with                  of your friends. Book it by                .

8.     Host a group study with friends from church by                                .

9.     Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity on a local build by                              .

10.  Take a painting/wine-tasting class to meet new people by                .

11.  Schedule          lunches/coffee dates with       friends by                   .

12.  Host                 families/friends at my home for dinner                      night(s) each month.

13.  Invite friends over for weekly/monthly movie/game night beginning                       .

6.  Future:

1.     Tour Israel/Greece/Italy/Disneyworld by                               .

2.     Improve my golf score            strokes by                   .

3.     Visit one new state each                                             .

4.     Volunteer with                                     beginning                                           .

5.     Visit                 new restaurants each              . Make a list by                       .

6.     Get                   minutes of sun each day starting                   .

7.     Ask friends about favorite memoirs, novels, or history books. Pick              and read one each
             (week, Month, quarter) beginning                             .

8.     Plan a hiking/backpacking trip. Identify         great destinations, and schedule                     trips by                       .

9.     Learn to fly fish. Get lessons from                              and plan an outing by                        .

10.  Research 10 best action/comedy/drama/romantic comedies ever filmed and watch each beginning                                   .

11.  Research local intramural sports leagues. Sign up and start by                     .

12.  Schedule a Caribbean/Alaskan/Mediterranean/River cruise by                     .

13.  Buy a hammock and plan a nap every             at                     beginning                               .


7.  Marital:

1.     Plan                  dates each month and book on the calendar by                     .

2.     Handwrite a note every                        (day of the week), for 52 weeks, beginning on                     

3.     Pick      books (fiction and nonfiction) to read together beginning:                           .

4.     Schedule a monthly flower delivery for your spouse by                    .

5.     Create a profile on Netflix with your favorite movies to watch for weekly date night beginning

6.     Schedule          field trips (museum/zoo/park/aquarium with spouse/family to take by:       .

7.     Attend a marriage conference on by:             .

8.     Select an out-of-town getaway each                and schedule beginning:                    .

9.     Set a regular "budget review date" with your spouse and review your finances and pay bills together every                       starting:                      .

10.  Pick                  things your spouse regularly does each day that he/she doesn't enjoy. Do one each day for him/her beginning:                .

11.  Write a list of your spouse's favorite qualities. Read it once daily and pick one to focus on for the day for             days.

12.  Pray with your spouse. Set aside regular time each                beginning:                  .


 8. Mental:

1.     Read                 books per month/quarter, starting                           .

2.     Audit a college class on the subject of                        during the quarter/semester.

3.     Select               conferences to attend and register by                      .

4.     Go back to school in                            and get my Bachelor’s/Master's/JD/PhD.

5.     Join/start book club to read through              of the Great Books by                                    

6.     Sign up for an online art/history/science class (Udemy/Teachable/Skill Share) by                          

7.     Learn a programming language:                                  (CodeAcademy) by                             .

8.     Read                 minutes each morning/night at                      a.m./p.m.

9.     Buy foreign language program (DuolingoRosetta Stone) and learn                                                 by                               

10.  Participate in educational trip to the state/country of                                   by                   .

11.  Visit                  museums of art/history/natural science by                                      .

12.  Research and write my book on                                                                      by                   .

13.  Hire a “declutter” profession for your home/office by                                  .

14.  Meditate every day at              a.m./p.m. for               minutes.

15.  Hire a therapist/counselor and start regular weekly/biweekly/monthly sessions by                  .


9.  Mission (Vocation/Calling):

1.     Increase revenue in area/department by                                 ($/%) by                                  

2.     Launch new product/service by                                  .

3.     Write new proposal/business plan for                                    by                                .

4.     Quit job and launch new business by                                     .

5.     Identify            new potential leads this month and contact them by                         .

6.     Organize files/accounts by                             .

7.     Increase                                    subscribers/followers/fans                 % by                            .

8.     Cut expenses in                                    area/department by $             /           % by                .

9.     Lower bounce/attrition rate by                       % by                            .

10.  Improve rating by                    % by                           .

11.  Research the best five best business books in my area of expertise and the five best across the board and read each beginning:                           .

12.  Get certified in                                     by                               .

10.    Financial:

1.     Improve net worth $                        % by                            .

2.     Pay off remainder of car loan in the amount of $                   by                               .

3.     Create monthly income and expense budget by                     and forecast the next 6/12/18/24 months.

4.     Reduce eating out to                meals each                              (week/month) beginning

5.     Pay down $                 in credit card debt by                                                 .

6.     Budget next Christmas and begin saving $                 each month toward plan beginning

7.     Give $              each month/year to preferred charity:                                               .

8.     Save an additional $                /          % from each paycheck for emergency fund starting

9.     Plan for my next house/car/major project by saving $            each (week/month) beginning

10.  Increase monthly 401 (k)/retirement savings by $                  /          % starting                    .

11.  Get taxes done early this year: Assemble all necessary paperwork by                       and complete forms by                                  .

12.  Start saving $               each month toward next vacation beginning                         .

Stan Lubeck

Pastor Stan Lubeck and his wife, Robin, have served in ministry for over 40 years. He has built teams and equipped leaders in every setting, in small churches and large, in the US, and on foreign soil. If you desire to make more and better followers of Jesus, Stan has the experience and proven resources that can help you take your ministry or business to the next level. Stan is currently functioning as the virtual Executive Pastor at one church while coaching business leaders and missionaries.

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