God Sized Vision & Prayer
What is your vision for 2018? What explains your faith as you begin? What can you expect from God in response to believing faith?
Avoiding Stagnation
Are you staying fresh? Are you losing your edge? How do you stay fresh and on your game in an ever-changing world? Check out these fresh insights for a fresh assessment...
Slow Death?
Why many churches would rather die than change...
Life on Mission
Are you a follower of Jesus? Then you must be practicing these timeless principles...
Ministry Values
How do we make sure that ministry values are consistent throughout the church in an ever-expanding ministry?
Leadership Pain
Leadership pain is inevitable for those spearheading change in any organization. How can you endure and thrive?
7 Questions Every Church Needs to Answer
Is your church stuck? Check out these 7 questions...
Challenging Leadership
Insightful blogs of the week
Unlimited Impact
Virtual Coaching
With a coach, everyone does better. When the leader excels, everyone wins.
Character Matters
Where are leaders of character being developed? Our society is paying an incredible price as we observe leaders from every political party, liberals and conservatives, the right, the left and hollywood who are lacking in character and integrity. What should this motivate the church to do? Curse the darkness, or light a match by getting serious about discipling men and women of character and integrity?
Living the Dream
We are homeless for the next three weeks! Check out what we are doing with this special season in our lives and ministry.
Simplistic Church?
We were given one job by Jesus and we aren’t doing it!
What’s next? What is important? What is the next assignment? These are the questions we are asking as we prayerfully discern how we can leverage our life experiences for the greatest benefit in God’s kingdom. Check out what we are up to as we prepare ourselves...
Kindle Quotations
How do you extract the quotes that you highlight in your Kindle e-books?
Food for Proactive Christians:
Are you ready for the next season of ministry when the quarantine is lifted? Now is the time to think things through... It will be complicated!
Hit the Target
What target are you hitting?
Killing it with Volunteers
Are you Spiritually Hungry?
Are you stretching yourself spiritually? Check out these inspirational principles...
Starting and Maintaining a Movement
Want to change the world? Check out this proven process...